Integrated Environmental Authorization (IEA)

The legislative decree of 4 august 1999, no. 372 “The enforcement of the 96/61/EEC pertaining to integrated prevention and reduction of pollution” regulates the issue, the renovation and the review of the Integrated Environmental Authorisation of existing plants, as well as the modalities of exercise of the same plants, excluding new plants from the application field. The decree establishes measures aimed at avoiding or, if not possible, reduce the emissions of such activities in the air, water and soil, including the measures concerning waste and the ones aimed at obtaining a high level of environment protection overall.
“Integrated Environmental Authorisation” is the measure that allows the management of a plant or part of it at certain conditions guaranteeing compliance to the requisites established by the decree.

Integrated Environmental Authorisation can be requested for one or more plants or part of them, both on the same site or managed by the same supervisor.

Graia srl is Life Natura partner logo-menu-5Life Natura
G.R.A.I.A. srl - Gestione e Ricerca Ambientale Ittica Acque
Via Repubblica, 1 - 21020 Varano Borghi (VA)
tel. +39.0332.961.097 | fax +39.0332.961.162 | PI: 10454870154

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