Few words about Graia
Working for both men and nature, with the aim of preserving the natural resources and making human activities as compatible as possible with the environment.
We love our job!
We do it with passion because we believe in it!

What we do
The experience and competence our team has acquired in more than twenty years of activity, along with its multidisciplinary attitude are the best guarantee of expertise and professionalism.

Discover our team
GRAIA srl was founded in 1991 as the initiative of four professionals in the field of aquatic ecology and ichthyology with a common passion for fish fauna and fishing.
BLU Progetti
An engineering company in the field of ecological, ecosystemic and environmental requalification.
Some of our Clients
Through all of these years of activity, the professionalism and competence of GRAIA has been chosen and appreciated by many institutions and prestigious companies.